
Meet the Creator

Hey there, my name is Justin Heyer, founder of Buffalo Soldier Co. I have been frequently asked about the origins of our brand, and I am pleased to provide insight into its inception.

Several years ago, I embarked on a journey of introspection, prompted by a diagnosis of chronic illnesses that profoundly altered my life trajectory. Amidst the turmoil of my circumstances, I sought solace in the vast expanse of the Badlands of South Dakota. This excursion, undertaken with minimal modern amenities and COVID present, afforded me the solitude I craved. However, my solitude was punctuated by a remarkable encounter with a Bison, coming just within arms-reach of each other. Our eyes met, and for the following moments it seemed we understood each other.

That moment stuck with me throughout the rest of my excursion, where God's silence did in fact break, and my paradigm of life shifted. Upon returning home, I delved into the nature and symbolism of the American Bison, finding parallels between its resilience and my own journey. The ethos of the Bison, charging into adversity rather than seeking refuge, resonated deeply. Furthermore, I discovered the historical significance of the "Buffalo Soldiers," African American infantry units whose courage and determination echoed the spirit of the Bison. Notably, the following occurrence between soldier John Randall and 70 Cheyenne Warriors.

John was escorting two civilians on a hunting trip, and they both fell early in the scuffle. John found cover in a washout and armed with only his pistol and 17 rounds of ammunition, was able to eliminate 13 warriors until nearby help came. He was shot once and had 11 lance wounds, but recovered soon after. Word spread throughout the Cheyenne nation quickly, stating John, "who had fought like a cornered buffalo; who like a buffalo had suffered wound after wound, yet had not died; and who like a buffalo had a thick and shaggy mane of hair".

The fusion of these inspirations led to the creation of Buffalo Soldier Co. The brand embodies the resilience of the Bison and the noble legacy of the Buffalo Soldiers. It serves as a testament to the unwavering strength that can be found through faith and perseverance.

To wear this brand is to embrace this ethos, to embody the stories of resilience and triumph that shape us. Our products are crafted to withstand the trials of life, accumulating value with each experience they accompany you through.

Thank you for considering Buffalo Soldier Co. as more than just a brand, but as a symbol of endurance, inspiration, and faith.


Justin Heyer
Owner and Operator